Legal or illegal – Gay Sex

July 4, 2009

Well nice topic to blog on right. The thing why i am writing this blog today is that consensual gay sex between adults has been made legal by the Delhi High Court. Funny isn’t it. May be funny for us who are not in such relationship but for whom who are in, there has been a door opened for them and now they are free to express themselves in public.

GayPhoto source :

Actually this news has made a great impact across the media all over… Some people are celebrating as if an end has to come to their struggle. But the majority are apprehensive about the whole verdict. People are uncomfortable in dealing with such issues. Many are not coming forward to discuss this topic. Its true even i am not comfortable to see the discussion on this topic at home in front of my mother. its all in the mind. We are not brought up in such a culture and all these things are new and its all the western effect. Nothing can be done other than accepting the fact that there are people in this world who are extremely different from others and who think on the lines that others wont even dream off.. its as simple as that. Its just that they get pleasure with same sex while others with their opposite sex.

Well lot has been said and done about this. But its really a danger zone area. We are in a generation were youngsters are encouraged to try new things and they are indeed trying very indifferent things. If this is given such encouragement by the law those days are not far when men will say its better to have relation with men rather than going to women who are such unfaithful creatures and its better will stay away from them. Well impossible is nothing as they say… So all you fathers be ready for the day when your son comes and say’s Dad my life partner is a guy. Parents who go against love marriage between a guy and a gal, What will they do when they have to face such shocks…

Only advantage India has with this new law is that there will be good control in population increase because till date its not proved that men can reproduce themselves. Funny things happen so in future this may also change. Anyways news channels has got a new hot topic to discuss till the next one comes. But this time most of the politicians/celebrities are not that ready to comment on this issue. Think they are happy to play the waiting game and see what are the opinions of others.

OK friends take time and think whom you want as life partner. Same sex, Opposite sex , Or single and happy…

I am at present single and happy!!! Applications are invited only from the opposite sex (Girls-Above average) 🙂

So until next blog its Mahadevan signing off.. Enjoy your weekend with your loved ones.. Take good care of yourself…

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